Phase One Environmental Survey Pocatello

What is a Phase One Environmental Survey?

An environmental survey is a report prepared on a particular piece of property, often during a real estate transaction. A Phase One Environmental Survey Pocatello could be necessary for a real estate transaction in the Pocatello area, or Bannock county in general.

A phase one environmental survey Pocatello is done to identify existing or potential environmental contamination. The assessment can include both the land and any structures on the site. This includes identifying contaminants such as oil or chemical spills on the property, or health hazards such as asbestos, mold, or lead paint inside a building. An environmental survey can also assess the quality of both ground and surface water. Rocky Mountain Environmental Associates is available to perform environmental surveys in southern Idaho.

Why is it important?

There are many reasons to have a phase one environmental survey. First and foremost, the survey will identify any toxic environmental hazards on the property, or within the buildings. Second, an environmental survey can identify potential risks for flooding, landslides, or fire.

Other reasons to have a phase one environmental survey is to ensure compliance with municipal and county use permits, as well as water quality and soil contamination regulations. There can also be compliance issues with federal environmental regulations that need to be addressed.

A Pocatello Phase One Environmental Survey may be necessary if you plan to purchase real estate or build in Bannock county, Idaho. Likewise, Bonneville county may require a Phase One Environmental Survey Idaho Falls.

What are the risks if a particular site doesn’t obtain one?

An environmental site assessment is essential to ensure your project is environmentally safe for both people and the surrounding environment. It’s also essential to ensure compliance with municipal, county, state, and federal environmental regulations. Forgoing an environmental survey could spell trouble down the road; it’s possible any building on the property are not safe to inhabit, or there could be unhealthy soil contamination. If you plan on new construction, an environmental survey will help to ensure you are building safely on solid ground, with a safe water source.

Environmental Assessments in Southern Idaho

If you are planning on buying property, or building in southern Idaho, and you require a Pocatello Phase One Environmental Survey or a Phase One Environmental Survey Idaho Falls, Rocky Mountain Environmental Associates can assist you with all aspects of environment assessment and inspection.